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5 questions will be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the PMP exam. Enjoy!

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1. An external project manager is managing the construction of new corporate offices for a large company. The project management plan states that it is necessary to contract a highly trained external resource to revise and validate an important project component. The client has rejected hiring the external resource because of the high cost even though it is within the project budget. What should the project manager do to resolve this issue?

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2. A project manager has noticed that a critical team member is consistently arguing with a client. This has started to have a negative effect on the meetings.
How should the project manager address this?

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3. The main project stakeholder was fired and replaced by another stakeholder. The new stakeholder reviewed the project scope and requested numerous changes, arguing that the stakeholder’s team is unhappy with the results to date.
What should the project manager do?

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4. A project manager joins a government project that is partially staffed.
The company’s CEO mandated that all project resources must have specific skills and certifications.
When staffing the project. the previous project manager failed to follow the CEO’s guidelines.
What should the current project manager do next?

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5. One of a project manager’s team members is continuously improving. This team member has been a role model and mentor to others in the organization. How should the project manager acknowledge this team member’s commitment?

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更多資訊:PMP (Project Management Professional) 考試前必須知道的 20 個公式和概念+免費PMP試題練習[2022]

