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5 questions will be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the PMP exam. Enjoy!

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1. An international client contacted a software development company to build out a software product, and an agile project manager was assigned. At one of the review meetings, the client complains that a feature mentioned at the initial debriefing was not implemented.
What should the project manager do?

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2. After completion of a project with specific users in various countries, the project manager’s supervisor asks if the project users are satisfied with the way the project was run. What two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two)

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3. A team has different ideas on how to address a feature of a product under construction and; although the sprint began two days ago, they have still not reached a consensus. What should the project manager do?

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4. The main project stakeholder was fired and replaced by another stakeholder. The new stakeholder reviewed the project scope and requested numerous changes, arguing that the stakeholder’s team is unhappy with the results to date.
What should the project manager do?

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5. During a network upgrade for a company, the client informs the project manager that a government representative notified the client about a separate project that will affect the network upgrade. Any change in the upgrade will impact the project’s cost and schedule.
What should the project manager do first?

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更多資訊:PMP (Project Management Professional) 考試前必須知道的 20 個公式和概念+免費PMP試題練習[2022]

