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5 questions will be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for CFA level 1 exam. Enjoy!

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1. A portfolio manager has a tight tracking error of 50 basis points. The manager expects to be within this tracking error for a given quarter 85% of the time.

If that expectation is correct and each quarter is independent, the probability that the manager is within the tracking error for at least 7 of the next 8 quarters is closest to:

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2. Which of the following forms of trading blocs allow for unrestricted trade of goods and services among its members?

I. Free trade areas
II. Customs unions
III. Common market

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3. The percentage returns for a stock for a 5-year period are provided below:

2008: 12%
2009: 9%
2010: -2%
2011: 12%
2012: 8%

What is the standard deviation of the stock returns? You should treat the 5 year period as the population, not as a sample.

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4. The exchange rate between two currencies has decreased to 101.34. The price currency has appreciated by 7.5 percent against the base currency. The initial exchange between the two currencies was closest to:

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5. Given the following data, determine the cash flow from operations:

Sales = USD2,100m
Increase in inventory = USD200m
Depreciation = USD125m
Increase in accounts receivable = USD75m
Decrease in accounts payable = USD70m
After tax profit margin = 35%
Gain on sale of machinery = USD30m

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