CFA Level 1 Free Practice Test

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5 questions will be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for CFA level 1 exam. Enjoy!

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1. A company had equipment worth USD50 million on 1 January. During the year, they purchased equipment for USD10 million. On 31 December, the equipment account showed USD40 million. All figures are shown at cost, before depreciation.

The amount of equipment sold during the end of the year, at cost, would be closest to:

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2. Meta Corp. sells 15,000 units of its product at a price of USD10 per unit. The company’s fixed costs are USD12,000 and interest expense is USD3,000. The variable cost per unit is USD7.

Meta Corp’s degrees of operating leverage and financial leverage are:

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3. Which of the following forms of trading blocs allow for unrestricted trade of goods and services among its members?

I. Free trade areas
II. Customs unions
III. Common market

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4. The percentage returns for a stock for a 5-year period are provided below:

2008: 12%
2009: 9%
2010: -2%
2011: 12%
2012: 8%

What is the standard deviation of the stock returns? You should treat the 5 year period as the population, not as a sample.

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5. Medialink is an American company specializing in business intelligence consulting. One of Medialink’s current project is a 2-year commitment with Isotics, with a total estimated revenue of USD2.0 million and estimated cost of USD1.0 million. Costs are expected to be spread out evenly over each month.

After the first month, under IFRS, Medialink’s recognized revenue is expected to be closest to:

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