exam preparation solution
to access mock tests and past papers online to get well prepared before attending certification exams
Bee Prepared Online Mock Exam Platform
Knowledge check with Bee Prepared not only can it help pass the certification exam, but it can also help you truly understand the theory behind the topics.
Instant Marking
With Feedback
Not to waste any minute to
correct and wait for answers
Enjoyable and Effortless
Download and share your study result sticker to show your hard work
High Quality
Learning Resources
keep mock exam content updated and reliable with detailed explanation
Data Analysis
Study Performance
A full picture of learning performance projected in real-time data
A Smarter Way To Study
How Bee Prepared helps
Digitised certification exam preparation mock questions accessible anytime, anywhere
To get familiar with the exam format. Check your deep understanding of the concept so you will not make the same mistake in the real exam
Instant marking with explanations provided
Videos, audios and pictures are supported to help you fully understand the questions and learn from mistakes
Detailed report and performance data
The result shows a full picture of learner’s data analysis in different categories, duration of taking a mock exam and overall performance
Monitor learner performance from actionable data
Learner performance scored in real-time with test results available for viewing
Upskilling Roadmap For Professional Advancements
How to speed up your career advancement?
Certification Mock Exams for Upskilling
Certification mock exam available on mobile and laptops
User Feedback
(Security professional)
(Management consultant)
(Project manager)
Q1: Steps and how it works for Bee-Pro mock exam practice?
Ans: 1) find the mock exams 2) select subscription plan 3) the login details will be sent in 1 working day
Q2: Are mock exams on Bee-Pro in English or in Chinese?
Ans: In English
Q3: Can I get a hard copy or download a pdf of the Bee-Pro mock exam?
Ans: Sorry, we only provide online mock exams
Q4: Do the Bee-Pro mock exams provide answers and explanations?
Ans: Yes, detailed explanations which help you understand the answers are provided
Q5: Can I practice Bee-Pro mock exams on laptops and mobile phones at the same time?
Ans: Yes, all you need to do is to log in to access the mock exams
Q6: How long do I have to practice Bee-Pro mock exams?
Ans: It’s up to you. If you think you need to practice for 3 months, you can select subscription plan quarterly x 1
Q7: How to get Bee-Care rewards after I have passed the exam?
Ans: There is a reward form for you to submit the exam result on the Bee-Care page
Q8: Can I join Bee-Elite for free?
Ans: Yes, you can still get limited free resources by joining Bee-Elite membership for free
Q9: How to cancel my Bee-Elite membership?
Ans: Please send us an email providing your Bee-Elite member number and mentioning you are requesting a subscription to [email protected]. The cancellation will be made in 3 working days.
Bee-Care Steps
Join Bee-Pro/ Bee-Elite membership
Join Bee-Care
Pass the certification exam within the protection period
> Bee-Pro: 1-month protection
> Bee-Elite: 3-month protection
Submit the reward redemption form & be rewarded
Bee assistant will contact in 2 working days
Bee-Care Reward Your Hard Works
100% Money-Back Guarantee Of Membership Fee
> Bee-Pro: 1-month protection
> Bee-Elite: 3-month protection
Bee assistant will contact in 2 working days